Written by Rita Gigliotti | Edited by Danielle Bissonnette
At Melodia Studio, every young performing artist has the potential to shine, no matter the nerves that come with stepping on stage. Audition season is a high-stress time. And for many pre-professional performing artists, audition season is year-round.
As the pressure to outperform peers climbs higher, performance anxiety, also called stage fright starts may start to creep up. It's a normal part of the journey, and it doesn’t have to hold you back.
In fact, when managed correctly, those butterflies can become your greatest ally.
Meet The 5 Ms of Well-Being
The 5 M’s of Well-Being—Movement, Meditation, Manifest, Music, and Mantras—is how I approach well-being. As the owner of Melodia Studio, I work with kids between 9 and 18 to develop their vocal talent while coaching them in sustainable well-being practices that can be used in all aspects of their lives. I teach the Music for Well-Being Program at George Mason University and am Director of the Healing Arts Ensemble. I also have over two decades of experience leading K-12 music education as a Choral Director in Fairfax County. The 5 Ms stem from all of this work.
The 5 Ms for Audition Anxiety
Performers must embody poise and power to deliver the artistry that can only be witnessed on stage. To have such stage presence takes not just technical ability, but the right mindset. If you're a student preparing for an upcoming performance or audition, I want you to remember this: Nerves show that this moment matters to you. The energy you feel can be redirected into focus, confidence, and most importantly, joy on stage.
A good performer can hit the notes and follow the script, a great performer knows how to channel their energy, embrace the spotlight, and lean into their confidence - in every performance.
So what is the process to get to this internal place? This is where the 5 Ms of Well-Being come into play: Movement, Meditation, Manifest, Music, and Mantras. These five simple strategies can help you step into the spotlight feeling empowered. Here's how:
1. Movement: Channel the Energy
Before your performance, get your body moving! Gentle stretches or even a quick dance session can help release nervous energy. Movement is a natural way to calm the body's "fight or flight" response, allowing you to feel more grounded. Remember, spending energy creates energy, so let movement prepare your mind and body for the stage.
2. Meditation: Quiet the Mind
Take a few minutes to center yourself. I often recommend humming to a simple ambient sound, which not only calms your nerves but also supports your vocal warm-up. Remember, meditation doesn’t mean stopping your thoughts. It means gently guiding them toward something positive, like your love for performing or the beauty of your music.
3. Manifest: Visualize Success
Imagine yourself on stage, performing with confidence and ease. Picture the audience clapping, the smiles on their faces, and the sense of pride you’ll feel after giving your best. This is one of the most powerful exercises you could do to train your mind. Positive visualization aligns your thoughts with the success you’re capable of achieving and helps calm pre-performance jitters. Try it!
4. Music: Let It Move You
Music itself is an incredible tool for managing anxiety. You can sing a favorite song, hum a soothing melody, or play a few notes on your instrument to remind yourself why you love music. You can use it to ground yourself before stepping on stage. One way to do this is by listening to an inspiring piece that shifts your mindset and connects you to the energy of performing.
5. Mantras: Shift Your Mindset
Choose a simple, empowering phrase and repeat it to yourself as a reminder of your strength. A few examples include:
“I am prepared. I am confident. I am ready.”
“I trust myself and my preparation.”
“This is my moment to shine.”
These affirmations can replace fear with confidence and keep you anchored when nerves arise.
Final Thoughts
You’ve done the work, and you’re ready to share not only your talent, but the fruits of your discipline. Now, let these tools guide you through the moments leading up to your performance. The stage is not a place to fear... it’s a place to grow!
Interested in joining Melodia Studio? Get started here.
Which of these strategies are you most excited to try? Share your thoughts in the comments—I’d love to hear from you!